Pinmenu Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the Pinmenu users. If you use the Pinmenu service or sign up as a member of the Pinmenu service, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions and related operational policies, so please take a moment to carefully examine them.


Article 1 (Purpose)


The purpose of this agreement is to explain the relationship between Wooriyo Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "Developer") that provides team and members that use Company’s services, as well as to prescribe rights, obligations and responsibilities that may help such members use the service.

Members can freely use various services through various terminals through the Internet, such as PCs, mobile phones, etc.


Article 2 (Effect and Change of Terms and Conditions)


1. Developer and Company post the contents of these Terms and Conditions on the initial screen of (hereinafter referred to as the “Website") so that members can easily understand them.

2. Developer and Company may amend these terms and conditions to the extent that they do not violate related laws, such as the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc. (hereinafter referred to as the Information and Communication Network Act).

3. Developer and Company can change these terms and conditions from time to time without a prior notice, and the changed terms and conditions are notified through the service.

4. Members may request a withdrawal of the membership if they do not agree to the changed terms and conditions, and if they do not request termination after the effective date of the changed terms and conditions,they are deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms and Conditions.


Article 3 (Regulations outside the terms and conditions)


Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and other relevant statutes.


Article 4 (Definition of Terms)


The main terms used in these Terms and Conditions are defined as follows.

1. The sites operated by Developer and Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Sites”) are as follows.


   - Other websites announced and provided by Company in the future

2. “Member”: A person who recognizes these terms and conditions,provides personal information to Company, registers as a member, and applies for the use of Company's and affiliated stores' services under these terms and conditions, receives Company’s information continuously, and receives membership benefits.

3. “ID”: This refers to letters in English or numbers selected by a Member and approved by Company for the identification of the same Member and the use of the service by him or her.(hereinafter referred to as “ID”)

4. “Password” : refers to a combination of letters and numbers determined by a Member to confirm that the same Member is the one who matches with the ID assigned and to protect his or her own personal information.

5. “Service” : refers to your use of and access to the Sites, templates, products, applications, tools, services provided by Developer and Companywith fees or free of charge.

6. “Active/Inactive” : The stores that keep paying fees are categorized as Active, and the stores that have stopped paying fees are categorized as Inactive.

7. “Suspension of use” : refers to the prohibition of members' use of the Service by Developer or Company under the terms and conditions.

8. “Dismissal” : refers to the cancellation of a contract of use between Developer or Company and a Member after using the service.


Article 5 (Establishment of a Use Contract)


1. The terms and conditions will be established by the Developer and Company accepting the application for the Service by the applicant, and the application for the Service and the consent by Developer and Company shall be governed by Articles 6 and 7 of this Terms and Conditions.

2. Upon completion of the subscription to the Service, we consider that you have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions.


Article 6 (Application for Use)


Those who wish to use the Service should apply for it by filling out the prescribed form set by Company with personal information and signing as a Member.


Article 7 (Approval of Application for Use)


1. Developer and Company accept the application for use under Article 6 in the order of receipt unless there are special circumstances.

2. Developer and Company may restrict the approval of the application for the Service falling under any of the following subparagraphs, and may reserve approval until the grounds are resolved.

① In case of technical difficulties

② When there is no room for service-related facilities

③ Other cases where it is deemed necessary for the circumstances of Developer and Company

3. If Company recognizes the following matters, it may not accept the application for the Service or may terminate the use contract after the fact

① If you didn't apply under your real name

② Where an application is made using another person's name

③ Where the application is made by falsely providing the necessary information when applying for the Service

④ If the information is the same as the already subscribed member

⑤ Where you intend to use the Service for the purpose of illegal use or pursuing profits

⑥ Where an application is filed for the purpose of hindering social wellbeing and order or good manners and morals

⑦ Without limiting the foregoing, we shall have the right to immediately terminate or suspend your access to the Sites in the event of any conduct by you which we, in our sole discretion, consider to be unacceptable, or in the event of any breach by you of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable law

4. If the approval of the application for use is reserved or not accepted pursuant to the preceding paragraph, Developer and Company shall notify the applicant of this. However, Such notice will not be provided where it is impossible to notify the applicant of the use without any reason attributable to Company.


Article 8 (Change of Member Information)


1. Members may view and modify their personal information at any time through the information screen within the Service: Provided, that the ID, etc. necessary for service management may not be modified.

2. Members must modify the changes online or notify Company of the changes by e-mail or other means if the changes are made during membership period.

3. Company is not responsible for any disadvantages caused by such changes in Paragraph 2.


Article 9 (Protection of Personal Information)


1. Developer and Company protect and respect members' personal information as prescribed by related laws such as the Information and Communication Network Act.

2. Related laws and Company’s privacy policy apply to the protection and use of personal information.

3. Developer and Company collect information about Memberswhen applying for use, information provided by Members to participate in events, and other information collected in the process of using the Service, and the personal information of members is used for the purpose of performing this use contract and providing the Service under this use contract.

4. Developer and Company shall not divulge or distribute the personal information of Members acquired in connection with the provision of the Service to a third party without their consent and shall not use it for commercial purposes: Provided, that this shall not apply in any of the following cases.

① Where it is necessary to settle the payment for charges on the provision of information and communication services rendered

② Where specific personal information is processed and provided in an unrecognizable format as necessary for statistical preparation, academic research, or market research

③ Where there is a request from the relevant agency in accordance with the procedures and methods set up for the purpose of investigation under the relevant laws and regulations

④ Where there are special provisions in other laws

⑤ Where the Information and Communications Ethics Committee requests it under relevant laws and regulations

⑥ If the Service operated by Wooriyo Co., Ltd. is linked to the Pinmenu

⑦ If the Pinmenu is spun off from Wooriyo Co., Ltd. or changed to the operating company

⑧ If personal information needs to be shared with other companies (services) that collaborate with the Pinmenu or hold events

⑨ If the Pinmenu is managed through the sales distributor and sales team, and information sharing for management and settlement is required

5. Within the scope of paragraph 3 of this Article, Developer and Company may prepare and use collective statistical data on the personal information of all or part of Members in relation to their work, and may send computer cookies to Members through the Service. In such cases, Members may change the settings of the browser on the computer that refuses to receive cookies or uses them to warn against receiving them.

6. The information provided by members at the time of a membership registration will be kept for up to 30 days after termination of such membership. There are exceptions to the foregoing when it is required to preserve it for a longer period under the applicable law.


Article 10 (Use of Personal Information)


1. The personal information collected by Developer and Company is minimal to provide the Service, but may require more detailed information than that if necessary.

2. Developer and Company may provide personal information to third parties with the consent of the user in the following cases. Even in this case, the provision of personal information to a third party is made only with the consent of the user, and if you do not want personal information to be provided, you may not use a specific service or participate in a specific type of promotion or event.

① Personal information of members who participated in various events held within the Pinmenu site may be provided to the organizers of the event

3. Where Developer and Company entrust the provision of specific services to an external company (hereinafter referred to as “Consigned Company”), the personal information of a Member necessary for the provision of the services may be provided to Consigned Company with the consent of the Member, and the lists of the Service for entrustment shall be specified. Provided, that when notified through the personal information processing policy in accordance with relevant statutes, individual notification procedures and consent procedures may not go through. Consigned Company shall not use the personal information of the Members provided for any purposes other than those specified in the lists above such as collecting, handling, and managing the personal information of the Members provided or provide it to a third party.

4. In order to improve the quantity and quality of the Service provided by Developer and Company, personal information that can be identified by users can be collected with the consent of the users and used for customized services, online advertising services, shopping mall services, paid services, and mobile services.

5. Developer and Company can partner with professional content providers or business operators in a variety of fields to provide the Service, including customized services, online advertising services, shopping malls, paid services, mobile services, statistics, or market research, to improve the quality of the Service provided to Members.

6. When Developer and Company provide and share the personal information of Members with the partner under paragraph 5 of this Article, they must provide and share the minimum necessary information with such partner with the consent of the user, and specify with whom the personal information (partner’s name, purpose of the partnership, and what kinds of personal information to be shared) is shared for hat purpose.

7. Members may withdraw their consent on the collection and use of their personal information provided to Company at any time, and the withdrawal of the consent shall be made by applying for termination of the use contract.

8. Members' trade names and franchise names may be used to promote the Pinmenu’s service and may be exposed to the Pinmenu’s websites, Pinmenu’s advertisements, Pinmenu’s apps, etc.


Article 11 (Duties of Developers and Companies)


1. Developer and Company shall endeavor to provide continuous and stable services pursuant to these Terms and Conditions, and shall repair or recover the facilities without delay when they are damaged or destroyed: Provided that in the event of a natural disaster, extraordinary circumstances, or other unavoidable circumstances, the Service may be temporarily suspended.

2. If Developer and Company deems that an opinion or a complaint raised by a Member is justified, they should go through the appropriate procedure. If processing takes a certain period of time, the member should be informed of the reason and schedule for processing.

3. Developer and Company must have a security system to protect personal information(including credit information) so that Members can use the Service safely, and Developer and Company can comply with the privacy policy.

4. Developer and Company strive to provide convenience to the users in the procedures and content related to the use contract , such as the execution, change and termination of the use contract.

5. Developer and Company comply with laws and regulations related to the operation and maintenance of the Service, such as the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection", the "Communications Secret Protection Act", and the "Telecommunications Business Act".


Article 12 (Obligation of Members)


1. Members shall comply with these Terms and Conditions, and shall not engage in any acts that interfere with the work of Developer and Company.

2. Members are responsible for all the management of their IDs and passwords. Members are responsible for any consequences caused by negligence including fraudulent use in the management of IDs and passwords.

3. If a Member discovers that his or her ID or password has been used fraudulently, he/she shall immediately report it to Company, and the Member shall be responsible for any consequences arising from the failure to report it.

4. Members shall not conduct business activities using the Service without prior approval from Developer and Company, and Company shall not be liable for the results of the business activities in violation of these Terms and Conditions.

5. Members shall not transfer the right to use the Service under the use contract to others without the explicit consent of Developer and Company.

6. Members shall not engage in any of the following acts in connection with the use of the Service.

① Any act of stealing another Member's ID, password, and mobile phone number

② Any act of reproducing information obtained through the Service for purposes other than those specified in the use contract without prior approval from Developer and Company, using it for publication, broadcasting, etc., or providing it to a third party

③ Any act of posting, e-mail, or otherwise distributing the information that infringes on others’ patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright, or other intellectual property rights

④ Any act of transmitting, posting, e-mailing, or otherwise disseminating information, sentences, figures, etc. of vulgar or obscene content in violation of public order and good customs

⑤ Any act of sending, posting, e-mailing, or otherwise disseminating information to others that is offensive or threatening and may infringe on the privacy of others

⑥ Any act that is objectively considered to be associated with a crime

⑦ Any act of collecting or storing the personal information of other users without obtaining approval from Developer and Company

⑧ Any act in violation of other relevant laws and regulations


Article 13 (Provision of Information)


1. Developers and companies can provide members with a variety of information, such as Pinmenu app announcements and e-mail, that members find necessary during service use.

2. Developer and Company can provide service-related information through various delivery methods (Pinmenu app announcements, phone calls, messages, notices, e-mails, etc.) to better provide service benefits. However, if a member expresses his or her intention not to provide service benefit information, Developer and Company shall exclude the member from the information provision, and Developer and Company shall not be responsible for any disadvantages caused by being excluded from the list and not being provided with service information.


Article 14 (Members' Posts)


Developer and Company may delete the contents of the service posted or registered by members without prior notice if they are deemed to fall under any of the following subparagraphs.

① Where the contents slanders other members or third parties or slander their reputation by slander

② In the case of violating public order and good customs

③ In the case of content that is deemed to be associated with criminal acts

④ In the case of infringement of other rights, such as the copyright of Developer and Company , and the copyright of a third party

⑤ If a member links to an obscene site

⑥ For posts that do not conform to the nature of the bulletin board

⑦ Where content that violates the customs, such as abusive language and sexual harassment, is posted on the bulletin board

⑧ Where it is deemed to violate other relevant laws and regulations

⑨ If it is determined that the post is intended to identify the Pinmenu service by the competitor


Article 15 (Copyrights of Posts)


The rights to the materials published in the Service are as follows.

① The publisher has the right and responsibility to post, and the company cannot use it for commercial purposes other than publishing in the service without the publisher's consent. However, this does not apply to non-profit cases, and Developer and Company have the right to publish for non-profit cases in the service

② Members may not commercially use materials published in the service, such as the act of processing and selling information obtained by using the service

③ Photos registered on the Pinmenu can be used as images for promoting the Pinmenu after obtaining the consent of the publisher


Article 16 (Protection of Copyright)


Members shall not engage in infringement, such as unauthorized theft of copyrights and other intellectual property rights owned by Developer.

In relation to Developer, members are only granted the right to use accounts, IDs, contents, etc. according to the conditions of use set by Developer and Company , and members shall not use the information obtained by using the developer and company for profit or use by means of reproduction, transmission, publication, distribution, broadcasting, or other means without prior consent from the developer and company.

If you violate this Article, you will be liable for civil and criminal legal liabilities and damages. In particular, if a competitor copies and uses the design composition of the Pinmenu without permission, it is subject to strong legal action and liability for damages, so the copyright of the Pinmenu must not be copied or stolen without permission.


Article 17 (Advertising and transactions with advertisers)


1. Developer and Company may place advertisements on service screens and sites in relation to the operation of the Service. Those who wish to use the service are considered to agree to the advertisement that is exposed when using the service.

2. Developer and Company are not responsible for any loss or damage that occurs as a result of communications or transactions, or members' participation in advertisers' promotional activities through this Service.

3. The trade name and franchise name registered on the Pinmenu can be used for Pinmenu websites, apps, promotional materials, etc. for Pinmenu’s advertisements.


Article 18 (Restriction on Termination and Use of Contracts)


1. If a member wants to terminate the use contract, the member must withdraw from the membership through the Pinmenu app and website.

2. In the case of a withdrawn member, personal information will not be stored unless Developer and Company have member information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and privacy policies.

3. The company may terminate the use contract without prior notice or suspend the use of the service for a fixed period if a member has committed any of the following acts.

① Where another person's personal information, ID, and password are stolen

② If the name you registered is not your real name

③ Where you have committed an act that damages or disadvantages another person's reputation

④ In the event of infringement or obstruction of the intellectual property rights of the developer and the company, other members, or a third party

⑤ In the case of deliberately disseminating information that hinders public order and good customs

⑥ Where a member plans or implements the use of the Service for the purpose of impairing the national interest or social interest

⑦ In the event that the service is intentionally obstructed

⑧ Where a large amount of information is transmitted or advertising information is transmitted for the purpose of obstructing the stable operation of the service

⑨ In the case of disseminating computer virus programs that cause malfunction or destruction of information and communication facilities

⑩ Where there is a request for correction from an external agency such as the Information and Communication Ethics Committee or an interpretation of the authority of the Election Commission in relation to illegal election campaigns is obtained

⑪ Where information obtained using the Service of Developer and Company is reproduced, distributed, or used commercially without prior consent from Company

⑫ Where a member posts obscene materials on a bulletin board or links to obscene sites

⑬ Any act of interfering with the use of other people's sites, stealing information, or impersonating an operating team, employee, or related person

⑭ The act of collecting, storing, and disclosing personal information about other members without their consent

⑮ In case of violating any and conditions of use set by the company, including these terms and conditions


Article 19 (Payment and Termination)


1. Payment of monthly fees (one month or one year, etc.) : Pinmenu’s monthly payment products will last until termination. Pinmenu service requires a Pinmenu App support device and one or more payment methods must be provided on the Pinmenu. The term 'payment method' is an approved payment method currently in effect and may be updated if necessary. If a payment method is not terminated before the payment date, the payment fee for the next payment cycle will be charged to the member's payment method.

2. Pinmenu can offer a variety of flat-rate products, such as special promotional memberships or in conjunction with the supply of their own products and services. Some payment products have different conditions and restrictions, which are disclosed upon signing up or through other communications available to members. Details related to members' payment products can be found by visiting the Pinmenu website.

3. Payment cycle: The amount for the Service calculated based on the monthly flat rate will be charged to the registered payment method on the payment date registered by the member. The payment cycle will be determined by the date the member applied for the flat rate product. The payment date may change in some cases, such as when the registered payment method is not processed normally or when the flat rate product starts on a date that does not exist in a specific month.

4. Payment Method: Payment for the Pinmenu's flat-rate products are made through Company. The member is responsible for the outstanding amount. If the payment has not been processed normally by exceeding the expiration date or lack of balance, the member's use of the service may be restricted until the claim is completed on the suspended payment method. For some payment methods, the issuer may charge the member a fee related to the processing of out-of-way transactions or other payment methods. Please check the payment method service provider for more information.

5. Termination: Members may cancel the use contract through Company at any time. In this case, Members can use the Pinmenu until the time of such cancelation, and no refund will be given even if the period of use has not yet expired . Also, if payment is not made within 7 days after the payment date, Company may terminate the use contract and delete the data registered in the Pinmenu.

6. Changes in Fee and Product: Company may change the service fee and the flat-rate product of the Pinmenu in consultation with Developer. Company is obligated to notify Members of any changes of the service fee and the flat-rate product, including the timing of application. Members may cancel his use contract with the Pinmenu they do not agree to the changes.


Article 20 Compensation for damages


1. Members who have caused damages to Developer and Company in violation of these Terms and Conditions shall compensate them for all damages incurred.

2. If a Member receives any complaints from third parties, including a claim for damages or a lawsuit, the Member shall indemnify Developer and Company at his or her own expense, and if the Member is not exempted from liability, the Member shall indemnify Developer and Company for all damages incurred.

3. You shall infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Pinmenu, if one of the following conditions is satisfied. You shall compensate for damages.

① If the design and driving pattern of your website are the same as those of the Pinmenu, or

② If the features and services you provide for your customers are similar to those of the Pinmenu


Article 21 (Disclaimers of Developer and Company due to reasons attributable to Members)


1. The benefits for Members may not be available due to closure of business, or withdrawal from the Service, and Company is not liable for any damages incurred by Members in this regard.

2. Developer and Company will not be involved in any disputes arising between Members with respect to benefits for reasons attributable to such Members.

3. Developer and Company are exempted from liability for Pinmenu’s failure to provide the Servicethe communication services provided by a third party carrier, and server problems caused by the Pinmenu. Developer and Company are also exempted from liability for Pinmenu’s failure of server updates or non-access to the Pinmenu due to its failure of system updates. In addition, service failures due to external attacks on the Pinmenu server and Pinmenu itself (such as DDoS attacks) are also excluded. However, in this case, Developer is responsible for normalizing the Pinmenu as quickly as possible.


Article 22 (Limitation of Liability)


1. Developer and Company are exempt from responsibility for not providing the Service because of the force majeure situations such as an act of God, war, labor stoppages, epidemics, pandemics, etc.

2. Developer and Company are not responsible for any obstacles to the use of the Service due to reasons attributable to Members.

3. Developer and Company are not responsible for the accuracy and reliability of information, data, facts, etc. published by a Member in relation to the Service.

4. Developer and Company are not liable for transactions between members or between members and third parties through the Service.

5. Developer and Company are not liable for the use of the Service provided for free unless otherwise provided in the relevant laws.

6. Developer and Company are not responsible for monitoring the content and the quality of products or services advertised by third parties within the Service or linked websites.

7. Developer and Company are not liable for any loss of revenue expected by a Member from the Service or for any damages from the data obtained from the Service.

8. Developer and Company and its employees and agents are not liable for any damages arising from.

① Damage caused by false or inaccurate membership status information

② Regardless of its nature and circumstances, personal damage incurred in accessing and using the Service

③ Damage arising from illegal access to the server by third parties or illegal use of the server

④ Damages arising from any illegal obstruction or interruption of transmission to or from the server by any third party

⑤ Damage caused by any virus, spyware, or other malicious program that has been created by third parties. Damage caused by errors and omissions, and destruction of transmitted data

⑥ Civil and criminal liability due to defamation and other illegal acts arising from the registration of membership status information and the use of the Service among Members

⑦ Damage caused by failure to provide the Service due to unavoidable circumstances, such as a failure of communication devices, lines and computers, congestion of access, or hacking by third parties

⑧ Damage caused by a Member leaking his/her ID, password, etc. to a third party due to his/her neglect of management

⑨ In cases where the damage is not attributable to Developer and Company


Article 23 (The App and Web)


The App & Web may update automatically from time-to-time, and you may be required to accept these updates to continue using the App. Developer may perform maintenance on the App, which may result in service interruptions or delays from time-to-time. Developer may not support older versions of the App. You are solely responsible for obtaining all equipment and services (for example, Internet connectivity) necessary to access and use the App.


Article 24 (Overseas Use)


If a Member intends to use the Service outside of U.S. territory, he or she shall decide whether to use it based on his or her responsibilities, and such Member shall be responsible for complying with local laws and regulations, especially in the process of using the Service.


Article 25 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)


1. Any and all disputes, claims and controversies arising out of or in connection with your access to, and/or use of the Sites, and/or the provision of content, services, and/or technology on or through the Sites shall be governed by and construed exclusively in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea.

2. In the event of a dispute between Developer or Company and its member(s) regarding the use of the Service, Company and its members will sincerely consult to resolve the dispute.

3. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be finally settled by arbitration in accordance with the International Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board. The number of arbitrators shall be one The seat, or legal place, of arbitral proceedings shall be Seoul, Republic of Korea The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be English.


Article 26 (Change of Service)


1. Developer and Company may change or discontinue all or part of the Service with operational and technical needs if necessary.

2. If any significant changes such as a change of control or an acquisition occur with Company and Developer, we will notify you of any impact on the Service in advance that such changes will have.


Supplementary Provisions

◎Date of public announcement: July 1, 2024

◎Effective date: July 1, 2024


Address:1050 Lake Drive, West Covina, CA 91790 / Phone:(213)785-3200 /