Pinmenu privacy policy

According to the regulations of the Information and Communication Network Act of Korea, we will inform those who apply for membership of the Pinmenu about the personal information collected, the purpose of collecting and using such personal information, and the period of retention and use of personal information, so please read them carefully and agree to this Privacy Policy.

In order to protect users' personal information in accordance with related laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, and the Personal Information Protection Act, the Pinmenu establishes a personal information handling policy as follows to quickly and smoothly handle related grievances.

The content of the "Pinmenu_Guidelines on the Collection and Use of Personal Information" may change due to the changes in related laws, developers, and companies operating policies, and the changes will be announced on the Pinmenu website (


1. Items of personal information to be collected

The Pinmenu collects the minimum amount of personal information needed to provide services.

Developers and companies collect the following personal information to facilitate customer consultation and provide various services when a user uses the service for the first time.


[Must-have items]

- Login ID, email, password, store name, store address, store phone number, service usage record, access log, cookie, access device information, payment record


[Select items]

- Member name, Member phone number

Specifically, in the process of using the service, information about users is generated and stored (collected) in an automated way, or unique information of the user's device is safely converted and collected so that the original information cannot be identified.

The information collected in this way may correspond to personal information or may not correspond to personal information depending on whether it is linked to personal information.


2. How to Collect Personal Information

Developers and companies collect personal information in the following ways.

① Enter voluntary information to apply for counseling

② Voluntary entry of user's information through device installed in store

③ Collection through voluntary provision of other users


3. Purpose of collecting personal information

Developers and companies process personal information for the following purposes. The personal information being processed will not be used for any purpose other than the following purposes, and if the purpose of use is changed, necessary measures such as obtaining separate consent from the user in accordance with Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act will be implemented.


A. Provision of Pinmenu’s basic functions

① Contract performance for service provision and settlement of charges for service provision: content provision, specific customized service provision, billing, etc., self-authentication, purchase and payment of charges, collection of charges

② Use of personal information to conduct service counseling when users apply for counseling

③ Membership management: Identification, personal identification, and defective members according to the use of membership services and the limited identification system


B. Application for company services and marketing and advertising

Providing company services and customized services, and advertising based on statistical characteristics, verifying service validity, providing event and advertising information and opportunities to participate, identifying access frequency, statistics on members' use of services.


4. In principle, developers and companies are destroying users' personal information without delay when the user’s withdrawing from membership.

In principle, developers and companies are destroying users' personal information without delay when withdrawing from membership.

The following are the cases where laws and regulations stipulate the storage of information for a certain period of time, such as the Consumer Protection Act in Electronic Commerce, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, and the Communications Secret Protection Act. Pinmenu stores personal information during this period in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and will never use this information for any other purpose.


Retention items


Grounds for preservation


Retention Period


a record of a visit


Communications Secret Protection Act


3 months


a record of display/advertisement


Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc


6 months


Service usage history, access logs, access IP information


Measures to ensure the safety of personal information Article 8




Notes on withdrawal of contracts or subscriptions, etc


Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc




Records on consumer complaints or dispute handling


Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc




Notes on Payment and Supply of Goods, etc


Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc




Communications Secret Protection Act


Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc


6 months


Personal information, for which the purpose of collecting and using personal information has been achieved, such as withdrawal from membership, termination of service, and the arrival of the personal information retention period agreed by the user, is destroyed in a way that cannot be restored. Information imposed on preservation by law is also destroyed in a way that cannot be restored without delay after the period has elapsed. In the case of electronic file types, it is safely deleted using a technical method to prevent from recovery and reproduction, and prints are destroyed by pulverizing or incineration.


In addition, the Pinmenu complies with the 'Personal Information Expiration Date System' in accordance with Article 29 of the Information and Communication Network Act of the Republic of Korea and Article 16 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act. The personal information of members who have not used the service for one year is separately stored and managed. The period of non-use of the service is basically calculated based on the history of the user's last access to the service (access log), and if offline services are linked other than online, it can be considered that the service is still used if there is a record of offline service use or a history of customer center consultation.


5. Provision of personal information to a third party

Developers and companies use users' personal information within the scope notified for the purpose of collecting personal information, and shall not use it beyond the scope without the prior consent of the user or, in principle, and shall not disclose the user's personal information to the outside world. If it is necessary to provide to, or share personal information with, an affiliate without the consent from the user for better service , the item, purpose, period, etc. of information to be provided or shared shall be specified.


In the following cases, personal information may be provided to a third party without obtaining consent from the members.

① Where there are special provisions in other laws

② Where the data subject or legal representative is unable to express his/her intention or developers and companies are unable to obtain prior consent due to an unknown address, etc., and the provision of personal information to a third party is clearly deemed necessary for the urgent benefit of life, body, or property of the data subject or a third party

③ Where personal information is provided in a form in which a specific individual cannot be identified as necessary for the purpose of statistics preparation, academic research, etc

④ Where it is necessary for the settlement of the payment of charges on the provision of information and communication services rendered

⑤ Where the Information and Communications Ethics Committee requests it under relevant laws and regulations

⑥ If a service operated by a developer is linked to the Pinmenu

⑦ If the Pinmenu is spun off from the developer or changed to the operating company through M&A, etc.

⑧ If personal information needs to be shared with other companies(services) that collaborate with the Pinmenus or hold events

⑨ If the Pinmenu is managed through the sales distributor and sales team, and information sharing for management and settlement is required

⑩ If there are special provisions in the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Use and Information Protection or other laws, developers and companies may provide the personal information of users to third parties.


6. Rights of users & legal representatives and Exercising Those Rights

If a user requests correction of an error in his or her personal information, the relevant personal information shall not be used or provided until the correction is completed. In addition, if incorrect personal information has already been provided to a third party, the correction processing result will be notified to the third party without delay for correction. The Pinmenu shall process the personal information that has been canceled or deleted at the request of the user or its legal representative as specified in the retention so that it cannot be viewed or used for other purposes.


7. Withdrawal of consent to the collection, use, and provision of personal information

Users can withdraw their consent to collect, use, and provide personal information at any time through membership registration, etc. If you wish to withdraw your consent (withdrawal of membership), you can apply directly through the Pinmenu app and website.


8. Access to and correction of personal information

Users may view or correct their personal information registered in this service at any time. 

If you want to read or correct your personal information, you can correct it in the user profile information in the smartphone app

The Pinmenu responds to the user's needs in good faith, and if it deems necessary to correct/delete the personal information, such as an error or the expiration of the storage period, correction/deletion measures shall be taken without delay


9. Gathering opinions and handling complaints

If you believe that the developer and company do not comply with this Privacy Policy, please inform the person in charge of personal information management. We will check the problem you pointed out promptly and try to take action as soon as possible if it needs to be corrected. The Pinmenu collects opinions from users regarding their personal information and has all procedures and methods in place to deal with users’ complaints.


10. Other

This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information collected from websites that are run by other companies affiliated with the Pinmenu after such information is provided under the consent of users.


11. Duty of notice Prior to Amendment

If the content of this Privacy Policy is added, deleted, or modified, it will be announced through the Pinmenu website ( at least 7 days before the scheduled amendment. However, if an important modification is made to the rights of users, such as the modification to the collected items of personal information and the purposes of their use, the notification will be sent at least 30 days prior to any such modification.


12. Supplemental Terms for California Residents

Pursuant to the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”), this Article 12 applies to certain personal data collected about California individuals where the Pinmenu controls how and why the personal data is processed (which the CCPA calls a “business”) and supplements the rest of our Privacy Policy above. This Article 12 does not apply to current or former employees, applicants, contractors, or agents.

Although the Pinmenu has not “sold” or “shared” personal data for money in the past, we engage in routine practices with our Digital Properties involving third parties that could be considered a “sale” or “sharing” as defined under California law. We do not knowingly sell or share any personal data of minors under the age of 16. We do not collect or process “sensitive personal information,” as defined by California law, to infer characteristics about you. The Pinmenu only uses sensitive personal information consistent with the exceptions to the right to limit sensitive personal information.


Your Data Protection Rights:

Subject to legal limitations, certain California residents may have the below rights.

• Right to Know. You have the right to request information about the categories of personal data we have collected about you, the categories of sources from which we collected the personal data, the purposes for collecting the personal data, the categories of third parties to whom we have disclosed your personal data, and the purpose for which we disclosed your personal data(“Categories Report”). You may also request information aboutthe specific pieces of personal data we have collected about you(“Specific Pieces Report”).

• Right to Delete. You have the right to request that we delete personal data that we have collected from you.

• Right to Correct. You have the right to request that we correct inaccurate personal data that we maintain about you.

• Right to Opt Out of Sale or Sharing. We do not sell personal data to third parties in exchange for money. However, as we explain in Article 5, we share information with advertising partners and allow advertising partners to collect information from our Digital Properties. This exchange may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under California law, and you have the right to opt out of this “sale” or “sharing” of personal data.


Address:1050 Lake Drive, West Covina, CA 91790 / Phone:(213)785-3200 /